Frequently Asked Questions


What is the vision of Skyline Girls Select? 

To help create and shape respectful, skilled, and competitive players and parents for the Skyline High School Girls Basketball program.


What grades can play? What are the boundaries? 

Girls in grades 4-8 can play for Skyline Girls Select. To play, you must live inside the Skyline High School Border and be zoned to attend Skyline High School. If you attend a private school as long as you live inside the boundary, you can play for Skyline Select.


When are tryouts? 

Tryouts will be held in September for the 2024-25 season. Players are expected to attend both days. Locations and times can be found on our website. Players can register via TeamSnap at THIS LINK


Can I watch tryouts? 

Parents are not allowed to watch or attend tryouts. Only SGSB (Skyline Girls Select Basketball) tryout coordinators and evaluators are allowed inside the gym. We recommend dropping your daughter off and returning once tryouts are done each day.


Who are the evaluators? How do I know the process is fair? 

SGSB paid coaches, independent evaluators, including the High School coaching staff, and select board members will be evaluating and forming the teams. Prospective parent coaches will not be evaluating players for the grade level they may coach. We strive hard to ensure the tryouts are based on skill and ability without bias. Board members are not allowed to evaluate their daughter’s grade.


How do we know if our daughter makes a team? 

Results will be posted by tryout # on within 48 hours after tryouts have concluded. You will also be contacted by the club by email and must accept the offer for your daughter’s spot and register online at TeamSnap. If you do not accept, your roster position may be offered to another player. Player fees will be collected at the Meet The Coach event. All player fees must be collected by the 1st week of practice or players will not be allowed to attend practices.


What if my daughter is injured during tryouts? 

All players must attend at least one session of tryouts. If your daughter is injured and can’t make tryouts, please contact us and we can let you know what your options are.


How many players are on a roster? 

The club targets 10 players per team with a maximum of 12. We strive to have 2 teams per grade level if possible but that is dependent on interest per grade.


Who will our coach be? 

Our club strives to have the best coaches on the court. This will be a paid professional coach. We offer assistance to newer coaches to make sure player development and experience are the best possible. We will be running aspects of the Skyline High School Offense and Defenses for all our teams this year. Additionally, our coaches will work with the high school program in training them to better prepare the girls for the next level.


What is the cost?

The cost for Skyline Select Basketball is lower than some other sports because of the focus on value to our members. Although costs are kept to a minimum this is an investment that we take seriously and is not a small amount. The organization is non-profit so all the money collected is put back into your child's experience with basketball. Costs for the program are as follows: $800 per player (paid coach). This fee does not include team fees or the cost of a uniform, and is subject to change.

All players this year will need to purchase uniforms (returning) or a complete uniform package (new) which includes a reversible Home/Away Jersey and Shorts. We are refreshing the styling this year and additionally, players are provided exclusive player gear each year from the program (sweatshirts, shooting shirts, practice pinnies).


 What do I need to know about the extra training? 

SGSB has partnered with Elite basketball in Preston to offer in season training to all our players. More information will be available at the Meet The Coach event on in September.


What’s next? 

The season kicks off with a Meet The Coach social for Parents and Players the week of tryouts. If your daughter is selected and accepts a roster spot, this meeting is mandatory so please make sure to have at least one parent and player attend this kick-off event. Uniform sizes and SWAG orders will be collected that night. This will also be the first time the team can get to meet and interact. Coaches will have their first meeting with their teams and everyone will meet their teammates.


When does the season start? When does the season end? 

Practices begin the first week of October. Each team will have the opportunity to play in 1-2 pre-season tournaments plus our own tournament (Skyline Tip-Off Tournament, Nov 2024) beginning late October thru November. League games start in December and end in late February. The League tournament is in early March and if qualified, teams may compete at the State Tournament in Spokane, WA.


How often do teams practice and play? 

Skyline Select teams practice at least twice per week, but individual training is offered 5 days a week for all players as well. Each team will have roughly 16-20 league games and about 20 tournament games.


What tournaments do we enter? 

During the season all our teams will play the Skyline Tip-off Tournament, in early November. In addition, all of our teams will attend a travel tournament with many choosing the MLK Dream Classic Tournament in Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA  over the MLK weekend. Travel tournaments give teams, players and parents a chance to bond and create better chemistry. Tournaments are very fluid though and can be canceled at the last-minute because of the number of registered teams or even gym space that cannot be reserved until only weeks in advance. The coaches will pick the tournaments for your team and will be communicated through your team manager. Our season ending league championships are generally held in early March and some of our teams advance to the State Middle School Tournament (March 8-10th) to compete.


 What can my daughter expect in terms of playing time or positions? 

Player position, starting rotations and exact playing time are at the discretion of the coaching staff. Skyline Select has a policy to insure each player plays in every game. Due to the fluid nature of game flow, playing time can vary over the course of the season. Our goal is to have players improve and develop their skills and the only way this can occur is through repeated reps on the court. Playing time is determined by many factors, including overall skill level, attitude, attendance, respect for coaches and teammates, hustle and game situations.


What is the difference between Recreation, Select, and Premier teams? 

Select is a league that is more competitive than a recreation league and is intended to be a more serious and competitive league in the sport of basketball. This is not a Premiere level league though where only the top players will play. All players on the team will play every game. SGSB is committed to improving all players in the organization to develop them for the High School Program. Winning is great, but not our ultimate goal. The program does strive toward premier level ability and we hire and provide the best coaches available. Our coaching staff consist of dedicated parents and/or paid coaches.


My daughter has other commitments...

Communication is the key to succeeding in these scenarios. Many of the players in our organization are multi-sport girls and we encourage variety in their activities for their growth. While an occasional missed practice, game or tournament is understandable, it is the program’s expectation that the players fully participate in practices, games and team-building events to maximize the experience for the team. For girls with other sport or activity commitments that would prevent participation in the majority of activities, the program will likely not be the best fit.


How and why does the Skyline Girls program have a partnership with the Positive
Coaching Alliance (PCA)?

The program shares the fundamental belief that encouraging athletes with positive reinforcement helps them hear and heed the necessary corrections. With that winning combination of truthful, specific praise and constructive criticism, athletic performance improves and so do the chances that kids stick with sports longer and learn all the valuable life lessons inherently available through organized competition. The PCA platform offers resources to coaches, parents, and athletes to build awareness and skills for everyone in their respective roles that is required to maximize a positive experience for the girls. More information can be found at

What does it mean to be PCA-Certified?

First, the program requires that all coaches obtain a PCA DOUBLE-GOAL COACH® certification which comes from attending one or more PCA workshops and committing to reinforcement activities with their team and peer coaches throughout the season. Second, the program will commit to offering parents, coaches, and players access to the PCA ResourceZone which offers articles, courses, news, and other content relating to player development, sports equity, mental health for sports, team culture, among
other valuable topics. Third, the program is committed to develop our girls to be Triple Impact Competitors, which is an athlete that works to improve themselves, their teammates, and the game as whole. Our girls will learn ways to have Personal Mastery of their game, be a Leader in their own way to make teammates better, and to Honor The Game through positive behaviors and mindsets. Players in the program are eligible to apply for scholarships awarded by PCA to Triple Impact Competitors.

What kind of fundraising do we do as a club? What are our volunteering obligations? 

Our Skyline Tip-Off Tournament, which will be held in November, is our one organized fundraising event for the season. Families are required to work shifts to assist with this tournament. We also benefit from companies that match dollars for your volunteer time and this is greatly appreciated. Lastly, if you have a business you would like to advertise please let us know.

Please note: Every family is expected to volunteer at our annual Skyline Tip-off Tournament. Please block out the Tip-Off Tournament weekend for some competitive basketball and lots of volunteering to support the program and keep costs low. Parents may also be expected to operate the score clock and keep the official scorebook for league home games and occasionally some tournaments. Also, each team is required to have a team manager to assist the coaches in scheduling, organization and team communications.

Each team may also choose to have a treasurer to manage team funds and/or a social committee to organize team get-togethers. We make huge efforts to utilize volunteers from the high school basketball team and other high schoolers but we could not have this tournament without parent support.

Have additional questions? Please direct them to SGSB Co-Presidents, Malica Jibowu (MJ) and Flannery Wilcox at

Thanks for considering the SGSB Program!